
Vacancy - MSc Research Scholarship - ARISE-PP (3 Positions)


The ACENTDFB is implementing a project titled “Development of novel antimalarial therapeutics targeting Plasmodium falciparum lipid-binding proteins (PfLBPs)” funded by the European Union under the African Research Initiative for Scientific Excellence Pilot Programme (ARISE-PP). The ARISE programme is implemented by the African Academy of Sciences (AAS) with the European Commission and the African Union Commission as strategic oversight partners. The overall objective of ARISE-PP project is to enhance the capabilities of emerging African research leaders committed to a research and teaching career in Africa, to strengthen institutional research management and support systems to enable pan-African research to thrive, and to support the generation of cutting-edge research in contribution to the transformation of Africa into a knowledge-based and innovation-led continent and towards the transformation of lives in Africa through science. One of the activities of the project is to provide research financial support to highly talented PhD and MSc Nigerian students to undergo training at ACENTDFB.

The ARISE-PP project has therefore set aside 3 MSc research scholarship positions. The scholarship shall competitively be made available to implement the above-mentioned project.


Recombinant protein production for therapeutic purposes:

1. Preparation of BL21 DE3 E. coli competent cells and auto-induction media.

2. Heat shock transformation of two Wildtype (WT) and four mutant (Mut) recodonized (custom) PfLBP recombinant plasmids in competent cells.

3. Colony screens by mini-protein expression studies to identify protein- expressing clones visualized by protein electrophoresis.

4. 6-liter scale culture for expression of each recombinant protein constructs in autoinduction/terrific media using the positive clones.

5. Pelleting cell biomass followed by lysis/sonication of cell pellets and recovery of clarified supernatant by centrifugation.

6. Affinity purification of the recombinant WT and Mut proteins from supernatants using Glutathione Sepharose pre-packed column followed by protein electrophoresis and Western blotting analysis.

7. Purification of WT and Mut recombinant proteins from Glutathione Sepharose column on Sephacryl S300 prepacked column followed by followed by protein electrophoresis and Western blotting analysis.

8. Concentration of all six recombinant protein constructs to a range of 10-20 mg/ml using Centrifugal filters.

9. Protein electrophoresis and Western blotting analysis of all PfLBP purified recombinant proteins under both reducing and non-reducing conditions.

10. Membrane lipid screens with normalized binding intensity for WT and Mut PfLBP recombinant proteins from three independent experiments.

11. Active participation during community engagement activities.


Applicants for MSc positions must have a Bachelor of Science degree in any of the Life Sciences. Applicants should have the following documents in single PDF file:

Applicant for the position shall be required to possess the following qualifications:

1. Certified copies of academic transcripts and certificates.

2. A recommendation letter from the current employer and/or previous supervisor emphasizing competence of the applicant in the research area.

3. A max. 2-page of Curriculum Vitae (CV).

4. A max. 2-page research concept note related to the project.

5. A max. 2-page motivation letter.

6. A valid admission letter indicating the requisite degree in view.


The MSc research scholarships will run for a maximum of two years. The scholarship is initially granted for one year and may be extended upon successful performance.


Interested applicants should send their completed application documents in an email titled “MSc Research Scholarship position - ARISE-PP Project 2024” to acentdfb@gmail.com and copy to amlabu50630@gmail.com. Applicants may as well submit hard copy of their applications at the ACENTDFB, ABU Zaria. For further inquiries please contact the Principal Investigator, Arise-PP, Dr. Emmanuel Amlabu (+2348124622228). The application should be addressedto the below address.

The Centre Leader,
Africa Centre of Excellence for Neglected 
Tropical Diseases and Forensic Biotechnology,
Ahmadu Bello University,
Zaria, Nigeria.

Note: Application for this position closes on February 29th, 2024.

© 2024, Africa Centre of Excellence for Neglected Tropical Disease and Forensic Biotechnology